Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing
Habitat for Humanity of Kent County and the Plaza Roosevelt are included as a case study in the new book Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing, published by Island Press. In this fully revised edition, co-authors Kimberly Vermeer and Walker Wells capture the rapid evolution of green building practices, using Habitat Kent’s green building practices and Plaza Roosevelt to make a compelling case for integrating green building in affordable housing.
Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing is the most comprehensive resource on how green building principles can be incorporated into affordable housing design, construction, and operation. The book offers guidance on innovative practices, green building certifications, and the latest financing strategies. As Co-author Wells states: “Our goal is to bring together in one place the essential information and strategies that affordable housing project managers, designers, funders and advocates need to know to successfully create green developments.”
In addition, Vermeer and Wells feature 14 case studies to illustrate how green building principles can be incorporated into diverse housing types and in locations across the country. By featuring Plaza Roosevelt, Blueprint shares detailed insights into how the many elements of a green building are incorporated into affordable house design, construction, and operation.
The lack of affordable housing and the climate crisis are two of the most pressing challenges we are facing today. Green affordable housing addresses both by providing housing stability, safety, and financial predictability while constructing and operating the buildings to reduce environmental and climate impacts. At Habitat Kent, we are grateful to be included with other organizations contributing to greener, healthier communities through affordable housing.
The book is out today, July 9th, at Island Press. (Use offer code WELLS to get a 20% discount!)