Corporate Sponsorships

Become a Corporate Partner

At Habitat Kent, we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home through access to affordable housing. Sponsorships are critical to helping us achieve our mission. Our programs help to restore hope, break the cycle of poverty, and ensure more children grow up in a stable, healthy home where they can truly thrive. You will see the impact of your contribution and feel the satisfaction of knowing that impact will last for generations.

Establish Your Strategy

A corporate partnership with Habitat Kent can give your company a way to enunciate your social responsibility strategy clearly and concisely – helping build communities where everyone has a decent place to live. With your support, Habitat Kent provides:

  • Affordable homeownership;
  • Financial education and financial literacy programs;
  • Volunteer experiences that bring together future homeowners, neighbors and community members.

Being a corporate sponsor gives you ongoing exposure through social media, on-site recognition, newsletters, and more. There are also many options for volunteering. Learn about all of our sponsorship options:

If you have questions or ideas on how we can partner, contact Jess Eglinton at or 616-588-5238.

Have a question?

If you have questions about Habitat and what we do, please reach out to us. We’re happy to help.
